Monday, June 28, 2010

Extremely hectic week in Japan

Unfortunately had to cancel on a trip to Yoga-garden this Sunday. Looks like between all the many tasks necessary to move house internationally and a family I haven't seen in months, I really didn't leave any time to spare on this trip. Just keeping up with PCP is a task (and one frankly I'd never be able to do if it weren't for the early morning hours afforded to me by jet-lag). Zannen.

One thing my wife noticed was that although I've of course lost tons of weight, my posture has gotten really bad. Could use some advice.

Also, just a note about Japan and the reverse-reverse culture-shock I'm experiencing: the choice of veggies here stinks. Fish, of course, is relatively excellent.


  1. Thank you very much! You're not so bad yourself!

  2. Are you sure your posture has gotten bad or just that you can see more of your strucure now. There's no reason posture would significantly worsen in a 2 month period, and all kinds of reasons it should have gotten better with all the back muscle you've put on. Strange.

  3. I was thinking along with all the muscle I've gained perhaps I've lost flexibility somehow? Or maybe I just need to do back hyper-extensions to balance all the ab work? (do we do any exercises that are equivalent, i.e. that target the erector spinae?)

    But what you're saying is entirely possible--maybe before I was just such a weeble/wobble that it was easy to stand straight.

  4. Planks work the erector spinae, but to get that kind of effect you'd have to do serious weighted ab work for months on end and even then. If you can get to the studio I'll be able to understand what's going on better.
