Thursday, June 3, 2010

Indulgence #2

Corned beef shipped from Carnegie Deli (not specifically for me).

Yummy but hella salty (way more so than I would have thought pre-PCP).

Still, I have my doubts about the experimental value (unless noticing how damn salty it is was the point). Born and bred in a Jewish deli Patrick, born and bred.


  1. Dude, I am SOOOOO JEALOUS! David's Deli probably the best I can do out here.....would have expected it to be so salty, but so good....did you wash it down with a Dr. Brown's?

  2. Yeah, that would have hit the spot, eh?

    Nah, they didn't ship any (it was someone else's birthday gift). Pre-PCP I probably would have had the diet cream soda but made the sandwich "properly" with 3* the meat.

    There was cheesecake too, which I skipped (which took no great will power--I never much cared for mouth-fulls of cream-cheese).
