Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pcp dessert

I can't believe I've been eating yogurt and drinking this much milk and only yesterday thought of turning my portion into frozen yogurt Yogen-Früz-style (cubes into a blender, I.e.)


  1. And I should make a full confession. The convenience store I'd been depending on for my afternoon tea yogurt was out of the plain non-fat. So I roamed around looking for another source, but the best I found was an actual Yogen-Früz (a Canadian frozen yogurt shop which I ate at all the time in college in Montreal. なつかしい!). Normally you get a block of frozen yogurt which they blend with whatever fruit you choose. So I got the non-fat sugar-free version with no toppings. However, it's still a cheat a-la-diet-coke because they use some "splenda" in it. I figured for a one-off it beat skipping it or getting flavoured crap or 2% milk at the local store. From now on I guess I need to pack my yogurt.

    Anyway, after recreating a similar thing with frozen banana and cinnamon for dinner, I can definitely say it's at least as good sweetened with a little fruit than with some artificial sweetener that for all we know may cause all sorts of problems down the road (and nobody knows what effect such things have on your gut, which apparently actually has taste buds of its own that presumably are also fooled, though clearly we're not conscious of them. There now a bit of somewhat-weak evidence that artificial sweeteners don't promote weight loss vs. glucose [I say "weak" primarily because glucose isn't what we generally sweeten things with, and there's other evidence that the real fattener in sweets is fructose]).

  2. I will be using your good ideas soon, as the weather has finally warmed enough in Germany to enjoy iced things!
