Monday, May 31, 2010

a grain of salt

Today the nytimes is running an article about the processed food industry's latest efforts to avoid being regulated, specifically over salt in their products.

I see a parallel with something I've noticed for many years in the financial industry. Technically it's called the fallacy of composition, and applied to real-estate securitization it's what has brought down our global economy. The fallacy of composition is simple--it just means that you can't take something that's true of a small part (like a single house), and assume that you can add up thousands of such things to reach the same conclusion about the whole

In the case of industry regulation of salt, what I think everyone is missing is that people have to eat. They will buy something. So overall the food industry cannot lose business. They whinged about non-smoking restaurants, but people still eat. They cried bloody murder about the need for trans-fats, but people still buy bread.

Of course if federal regulators were to pass some law that makes your company's food (or even edible-food-like-substances) less attractive to consumers (but not your competitor's), you'll go out of business. If they pass the same law but it applies to both you and your competitors, then it should make no difference to your sales. And yet the otherwise intelligent people working for these companies pay millions to lobby our government to prevent it!

Admittedly, there will be some small cost--companies will have to do the work of reformulating their products, which costs money. Perhaps it's an opportunity for new companies with smarter recipes to knock down large companies that can't adjust as fast. Some very small percentage of people may stop eating processed food and switch to fruits and vegetables. But the costs will be tiny, especially compared to the savings in health-care. The cynic in me says that these companies know exactly what they're doing, and are actually just trying to optimize their profits to avoid these small costs & risks--that their honest argument would be "don't make us reformulate our already successful product because we'll make 0.1% less profit next quarter." Because, for better or worse, that's what our capitalist system encourages.

What I can't excuse is the journalists, who take at face value the idea that cheeze-its becoming more expensive and/or less tasty is any sort of argument against regulation.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Pants

Well, had something of a housing disaster today. I tried doing laundry and the entire cycle ended up flooding the basement, along with just about everything I'd put down the disposer over the last few days. So after several hours of mopping, sweeping, mopping again, etc., I came to the realization that I was out of clean work clothes. Inspired by Ren's new-pants post, I figured I'd go to the store and see what I could fit into. Lo and behold, I too was able to fit (barely, but plausibly) into a 30-inch waste (I have been wearing 34). I strongly suspect that American pants have gotten a bit more "roomy" since I lived here last, though. In the end, I didn't get them--they didn't have my length in anything but the docker's "slim-fit", and those were most uncomfortable at 30. 32 is perfect. And indeed, I'm halfway through the PCP so perfectly appropriate. On the other hand, I see I've got some catching up to do if I want to keep up with my very gung-ho group, and I still have a long way to go to rid myself of the gut I started with, let alone get to true peak condition. Gotta stop typing and get to work!


Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hot peppers, bell peppers, chicken, mushroom, pasta

Saturday Breakfast

Pasta, cauliflower, tomato sauce, mushroom/chicken stock, lettuce

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"The Silence of the Yams"

Great line from Michael Pollan's Food Rules. (he's referring to the fact that for lack of packaging and advertising, a Yam can't make any health claims)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last Night's Dinner (+ an apple)

Blended together frozen banana + hard-boiled egg whites + milk. Gave me a headache but wow that was yummy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hamburger Lunch

On Friday I looked on while my coworkers ate delicious looking burgers. So this morning I ground up my own burger using eye-round steak (super lean), slapped on my veggie-tomato sauce, & whole-grain bread, and had myself a nice PCP-friendly hamburger lunch. And as wasteful as making hamburger from a good steak may sound, it was still quite a bit cheaper than buying one from the local lunch joint. Should have taken a picture but I was too excited and just wolfed it down.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Evening snack

Japanese sweet potato, veggie-puree-tomato-sauce stuffed egg whites

Simple Breakfast

Rice, salsa, egg, carrot

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cookin' Dinner

First time one of my meals even looked remotely like a "diet."

Not that I'm complaining. Hell yes it's working.

(and for the record: steak, red pepper, and sweet potato make a great combo)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fried rice breakfast

Corn, egg, yams, and grain mix.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Steak, veggie/tomato stew/mixed brown rice&barely

And 8 minute abs! Yikes, it's tough but at lease it's short. Hard to find an excuse not to put in 8 minutes / day.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cold veggies seafood salad

wow. Zero carb dinner.

(posting a day late)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More scallops and veggies

'cause it was awesome before. Frantically searching for 2 chairs for tomorrow's exercises :)

I was so happy to find bitter mellon at the farmers market. So grossly bitter and yet somehow yummy at the same time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My indulgence

Chicken sandwich at a cafe with friends. I ate half, held the mayo, bacon, cheese, and subbed out salad for the fries. What I missed most was the social aspect anyway. It was yummy.


Loving the variation in the exercise this week. Getting lots of complements on the weight loss and even some questions about the program. Dinner just now was one of those random fantastic accidents that can only happen when a lack of time and appropriate cookware forces one to say F it and throw all of your refrigerator in a big pot. Scallops, tomatoes, mushrooms, green onions, stir-fry frozen veggies, all 3 spices I own at once, etc etc. Caught myself instinctively going for seconds.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

moved house

Been crazy this weekend as I just moved into a new place, and from furnished to unfurnished. Stayed true to PCP. More later. (from my phone)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Breakfast: pasta, egg, steamed daikon & yucca-root/cassava. Wow. Saw yucca-root at Whole Foods, realized I never had it, so gave it a shot. It's wonderful, esp. left overnight in my $10 rice-cooker that produces a caramelized toasty bit on the bottom (why so long? Well, the wiki page mentions something about paralysis from cyanide poisoning if it's not cooked well and/or soaked, so I figured I'd play it safe).

Lunch: chicken, rice, more yucca root.

Dinner: Halibut, rice, asparagus, daikon & yucca. I definitely need to eat more fish but the selection is pretty limited at the nearest super. So it was very nice to find that the frozen fish I found tastes good. I was really missing fish.

Exercises: now we're starting to get serious... Nice to be able to finish (w/great pain) the 4*25 situps. Went to a climbing gym for the first time yesterday. Wow that was fun--I can't wait to see how much easier it's going to be a few weeks from now.
Breakfast: Sugar snap Peas, Rice, Milk, Egg

Lunch: (w/o picture): Lemon juice chicken, turnip, golden beets, pasta

Dinner: Lemon juice chicken, turnip, golden beets, rice

Yup, I'm getting lazy with the food. But enjoying the simplicity, to be honest. I'm noticing I'm becoming more sensitive to the sweetness in fruit as time passes--the grapes I just ate for my evening snack were fantastic.

Thought of the day: if I gain muscle %, but lose muscle in kg (i.e., muscle% * weight), is it still "gaining muscle?"

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

For lack of time, meals were all very simple combos of carbs + veggie + protein. Nothing fancy.

Sugar-snap peas, sweet potato, beef, turkey, pasta, egg, Chicken-breast-fried-in-lemon-juice

Made it up that hill on my bike. In granny gear mind you, but without any of the winding around side-streets that I've been doing up to now (technically I ride up Sacramento St., one street over, because it has less traffic. It actually goes a bit higher).

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 1st & 2nd

May 1st:

Breakfast: Eggs on rice, mixed veggies

Lunch: Turkey, Rice, mixed veggies (eaten on a break from cycling, not pictured)

Dinner: Turkey, Onions & shrooms, rye-bread, mustard

May 2nd:

Breakfast: Mixed Veggies, hardboiled egg, rice thinned with shirataki.

Lunch: Turkey, Steak, Sweet Potato, Rice

Dinner: Garlic Shrimp, Whole-wheat pasta, steamed asparagus

Exercise: all is well. Muscles are burning. I think we're at about the point that the last group was at when I first visited Patrick's studio, as I recall not being able to finish this number of situps and pullups. It ain't easy, but this time I got the situps done and only failed on the last set of pullups.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Breakfast: Brussels Sprouts, egg, leeks, daikon

Lunch: leeks, daikon, onions, rice, steak

Dinner: essentially the same thing as lunch, chopped for more of a stir-fry feel.

Tried to make a turkey/tomato sauce last night, only to discover upon tasting it that my canned tomatoes were full of salt (and I guess I shouldn't have been using canned goods anyway). Crap. Rinsed off the turkey, chucked the rest (which at that point was just the tomatoes and some garlic, but still it felt so wrong).

Apparently a single can of tomatoes is 13 servings, for 52% of the USRDA for salt, for the record.