Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Here's where I get fit...

Hello fellow PCPers and other lurkers.
My name is Todd, and this is my peak condition project blog. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.
I'm 37 years old, have lived in Japan for the last 12 years, and just moved to San Francisco 4 days ago. I didn't manage to stay in very good shape even with the relatively sane cuisine of Japan (beer & tonkatsu don't make one thin? You don't say!), so I figure that if I just continue as I have here in America it'll be a health disaster.
So here I am in SF, on my own (my three girls and wife are still back in Japan to finish up the school year). It's sink or swim time.
The guy on the upper right, who is supposed to be our inspiration, I don't actually know.. What I do know is he was 41 when he did his PCP, and by working hard and following the program he got from... well, go check out his last post yourself. Real people do this, some older and in not much better starting shape than me.
And my buddy Ren, who introduced me to this site and to Patrick, is, btw, kicking ass. Good to see.
I only hope I can do half as well as these guys.
more to come...


  1. Hey Todd! SF's fantastic, but it can suck to be alone there too. Good luck with the program, it'll be a blast!

  2. Welcome to the PCP! Congratulations on making this commitment. The next 3 weeks are the hardest. Good luck and stay focused!

  3. Todd, great to be on board with you! I agree with Mikhael, SF is a great city, and a good environment in which to tackle the PCP. You'll do great.

    Not sure about the head-shaving or buzz-cut--but I'm willing to go down to a #2 guard and take more of the top...
