Friday, April 16, 2010

My pre-dinner workout

I bought a new bicycle on day 1 here in SF so as to make a habit of cycling to work by bicycle. Going there, no problem. Coming back? Well, so far I made it up half the hill (then walked), made it by going around the hill and approaching from the back (it's less steep but twice the distance), and made it by zigzagging along the cross-streets. My goal: power straight up that sucker before I'm kicked out of my temporary pad (May 9).


  1. Very tangible, inspiring goal. Nice!

  2. Awesome Todd! Keep at it! Last year I had the same obstacle on the way to work, and by the end of the year I was completing it in a minute when it would take 5! The trick is to steady your pace at the start. Great photo by the way, I love that town.

  3. OMG I had forgotten how gnarly the SF hills are. Biking up that monster will build you those all-important fat-burning-factories-for-thighs.

  4. That is an insane hill, looking at it again. Almost fills the sky.
