Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Last meal of the uncontrolled diet.

Yogurt with banana for breakfast.

Mushroom / Kimchi / Bell-Pepper / Red-Onion / Omelet for lunch, with pita bread and grapes

bought and ate a banana while cycling around looking at apartments

I wanted to get rotisserie chicken for dinner, but Whole Foods didn't seem to have it (well, other than the whole chicken). So fried up a chicken-breast stir-fry with lots of Soy Sauce. Kept the rice and chicken portion at the largest-meal-of-the-day week-2 figures Patrick just sent us, mostly just to see how much it really was. Didn't bother to weigh the veggies which I'm sure were way over (would too much veggie actually be a problem?). Anyway, it was plenty of food and quite yummy. My whole body's sore today (from Badminton, PCP, and cycling), and the 8th day exercises were very difficult.

1 comment:

  1. Love the graphs! Stacked areas huh...neat. Watch that GutFat disappear!
