Wednesday, April 28, 2010

yesterday's meals

Got home late (after badminton) so this is a day late.

Breakfast was whole-wheat pasta + cucumbers + mushrooms + a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese & some of my milk portion. I subtracted the cottage cheese out of the milk by weight, if that really matters (I suspect not?). Anyway, it was yummy.

I have no memory of what I ate for lunch yesterday. I strongly suspect it was protein, carbs, and veggies.

For dinner we were back at Cha-ya (veggie Japanese restaurant in Berkeley). I was surprised that even in that environment it's quite hard to order PCP friendly food. Probably I should have again gotten the nabe and skipped the tofu. Instead I tried a veggie robata-yaki with a side of off-menu brown rice. Surprisingly, even though half the menu uses the word "genmai" (==brown rice), the waitress had no idea what it was. Anyway, the sticks came absolutely covered in thick sugary teriyaki sauce, which I wiped off as best I could.

Since the meal had zero protein, I pan-fried up my allocation of chicken after getting home.

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